The journey from Beris Vineyard to Ulu Legong Hot Spring was soooo challenging! It has nothing to do with the roads.... It's my eldest who threw tantrums almost all the time. Eeeeii... geram nye.... kalah adik2. That's why you won't be able to see him in the pics. Too many complaints...grrrr... Too much gibberish... ouch!!! So childish! Bingit! sakit telinga... sakit hati... sakit jiwa. Nasib ada mak mertua. She's the saviour.... layan je si Khairil yg membebel.....
OK..OK... citer hari ni xde kaitan ttg parenting yek... itu masuk chapter lain... so let me carry on.
Maybe you are wondering about:
1. The location?
-alah, kat Baling Kedah je...
2. HOT Springs?
- yelah, memang le hot spring... takkan cold spring lak
3. How far?
- kalau dok Kedah tak le jauh pon tp sapa2 dok Johor tu.. bawa2 bersabar ye..
4. Transport?
- naik keta blh, naik motor blh, naik gerek (baskat/basikal) pon blh. Nk guna kaki je pon no hal.. tp AWAS! jgn guna kapal terbang ye sbb xde tpt nk landing!
5. Shops?
- ader tp jgn mengada nk carik KFC, MacD atau Pizza Hut lak..
6. Accommodation?
-jgn risau... chalet ada, tapak berkhemah pon ada
7. Public amenities?
-Ada... Ada... Ada...
mukaku? di sebalik kamera..hahaha...
dpt mandi..... mmg yabedabeduuu
My Cik Abe (MCA) couldn't say "NO" too. (setakat basah kaki je la ye...) Me? Low profile je.... I kan pemalu.... Takkan nak tayang betis gebu mulus ku itu... oh! nahi nahi... Jeres MCA tau... The truth is it's my second time there. The first time was more exciting! Kalau nk tau baca je my notes in FB. Males nk citer byk kali...
So allow me to be sincere... This advice is from the bottom of my heart...cewah..BAWALAH FAMILI MERASAI NIKMAT AIR HANGAT!
So allow me to be sincere... This advice is from the bottom of my heart...cewah..
TAPI... kalau takde masa... jerang je air sampai mendidih.... tuang dlm besen... campur sikit air sejuk... siapkn kaki... rendam dlm air tu... fuh! sejibik macam rendam kaki dlm hot spring.. hik..hik..hik...
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