The day my weight was nearly 70kg, i decided to diet. But being alone in my quest to be slimmer & healthier failed till i met a group of people who participated in a contest called Program Diet 50 Hari. I took part. The rest is history.
My weight before i started....
My weight before i started....
Then on the 1st day (2 weeks ago)...
Then.... a week ago... a loss of 1.6kg....
Today, i went to the same scale to weigh myself. It's in Tesco. I've a digital scale at home but i still use the Tesco scale as i've started using it. I trust it more... hehehe. See lah, my weigh....
Another 1.7kg loss. Total loss in 2 weeks = 3.3kg.
p.s. soooooooooooo happy.... i'm on cloud nine... Yesssaaa!!!!
good job!
TQ Bicikut. Always follow d advice...
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